Finally got through the last few weeks of our course with only a few interruptions (thank God for our Macs being near indestructible) finished the rebrand campaign that I was doing for Rah, and both Rah and I are happy with the result and it has received good feedback thus far. I will post some photos and images of it soon.
Tomorrow will be our course completion ceremony where we will receive our diplomas, and due to lack of venues we are having it at a local bowling club which sums up our year quite well really.
So with course coming to an end along with Rahs contract at Pickled Possum and another bout of earthquakes, we had been thinking hard of what next for the adventures of Rah & Tom.
Our final decision...MELBOURNE!
We decided that we definitely wanted to get out of Christchurch, so first we were thinking of moving to Auckland where both of us have contacts and friends up there, but with the burning desire to one day soon to go traveling we could see that moving to Auckland we could easily get stuck into starting our careers there. Which would end up putting of travel for at least another couple of years. This is where I suggested moving to Melbourne, it would be a leap out of New Zealand where we can start a working holiday and start moving around the globe.Although both of us would love to get a job in our industries over in Melbourne we are not too fussed on it, any job where we can save a bit of cash and have fun with would be perfect.
So we have tickets all booked, we leave Christchurch 26th August spend a few days in Timaru, then head up to the North Island on the 31st where we will catch up with friends and family before leaving Wellington to Melbourne 4th September.
We are so excited and cant wait to get over there, we have heaps more planning and sorting out to do but things seem to be falling into place!